About Us

President: Al Philips Email:  ajphillipsjr@comcast.net  Phone: 860 908-6882
Vice President: Bob Buckingham Email: c.buckingham@sbcglobal.net
Treasurer: Steve Dinsmore Email: steveandden@sbcglobal.net
Recording Secretary: Christina Stadolnik Email: willow16@sbcglobal.net
Membership Secretary: Pete Volkmar Email: pvolkmar@snet.net
Archivist: Todd Guertin Email: toddguertin@sbcglobal.net

From The Norwich Bulletin, April 9, 1972

“The Mohegan Striders Running Club, a group devoted to the furtherance of long distance running and racewalking as a healthful form of exercise and competition, has been formed. The Striders have applied for and received an official Connecticut AAU charter which recognizes it a s a member club. As such, the Striders are able to hold AAU sanctioned events related to long or medium distance road races and racewalking events.

The Striders offer membership to anyone wishing to compete in the aforementioned events, or even if they wish to further jogging or running through club activity. Membership is open to both sexes and to all age groups.”


The Mohegan Striders have come a long way since being formed over 30 years ago. We have over 300 members and can proudly proclaim that our Mens Open Racing Team is once again leading the CT USATF competition. We are the winningest club in the CT USATF Grand Prix over the last twenty-five years. But despite our successes in the various USATF age groups, we pride ourselves on having the most social, the most fun, club in the state. For speed is not the backbone of this club – camaraderie is. We are composed of runners of all shapes, sizes and abilities. Our red and white uniforms dominate Southeastern CT running events and are notable in road races throughout the state and beyond.

Why join the Mohegan Striders? Why not? We offer social running, group track workouts, group long runs, Club Grand Prix competition, USATF Grand Prix competition, Winter Slug Runs (Jan-March), Summer picnic, winter banquet,  and more! Membership is $15 per year (Nov – Dec; 13 months) for the primary member. Additional family members are $1.00. Junior members (16 and under without additional family) are $1.00 per year. Membership applications are available to mail in or you can apply online. See our How to Join post. A special free 1st year membership is available. Contact the President or Membership Secretary for details.